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Sunday, 11 September 2011

Myth of Telepathy

As I explained in the previous post, thoughts are "metaphysical" feelings. Reactions, assumptions, intentions, decisions, opinions, views, understandings, concepts, ideas... All of those really occur not in a "worded" version, but they occur as metaphysical feelings, which are infinitely more precise, but cannot be hold on to - they can be experienced and then they naturally flow away, like water. The thing is that they don't "come up" in one's head, but rather it occurs in one's CONSCIOUSNESS. The consciousness is infinitely smaller/infinitely bigger than your head or body, because your body is the Cosmic  "void"/"field" of Metaphysical Feelings.
  When A is having a conversation with B... When A reacts to something B has said, B feels the metaphysical feeling that A manifested, and B reacts to A in the same way.
  For example, A had said something about something, he wanted to get an idea across to B. B can *SEE* what A *MEANS* by "Telepathy". Now, it can happen sooner, later, or exactly as A finishes his  thought TRANSLATION. When the metaphysical feeling formed in the consciousness of A "reaches out" to the field ("area") of B's consciousness, JUST when that happens, even if A didn't finish his sentence, B goes:"Oh! I see what you mean!". They both see one "image", "in their head". This is actual telepathy. In actuality a Collective Consciousness Field (COSMOS) is experiencing itself as A and B in a form of Human Verbal communication. One particular metaphysical feeling manifested in a particular "here & now" of Cosmic Consciousness, called "A", and then that metaphysical feeling is observed from the side of another particular "here & now" of Cosmic Consciousness, called B.
 So, when we are talking, we it is our collective consciousness field experiencing itself, in other, more "comfy" words, - it is The Self (Me, I) experiencing Myself, by pretending to be separate from Myself, to really experience it as if it really is so.
  A & B in this example don't need to assure each other of both understanding something in the same way, because they KNOW they both understand it correctly by seeing each others FACIAL EXPRESSIONS and EMOTIONS. This is The Key to Telepathy. Emotions. If you can accurately convey your emotions, you will be understood so clearly that words will never be able to keep up, in any given situation, ever.
 We should all wake up to this. There is no need to translate the metaphysical feelings we get into language, not one bit there isn't. And if you try to follow the socially-accepted idea of Telepathy, you would try to listen to the talking in other people's heads, with not much success though, especially if you're not looking at them, because if you are, then you can read their facial expressions and that is a slight cheat, even though facial expressions lose their accuracy taken in a different context, and can never be accurately described by words anyway.
  But if you follow this idea of Telepathy, you can SEE what other people MEAN (as Terrence McKenna stated that is what Telepathy is, and I figured out how is that exactly), and you don't necessarily have to see their facial expressions, or see them at all. You can still hear their intonations, and that already gives you all the accuracy you need. Really. You can go on YouTube and listen to Alan Watts to see this for yourself, as an example. The third aspect of this kind of telepathy are The Eyes. The Look. Trust me, that is, like, the BIG thing. One's Look can be infinitely different, infinitely accurate, infinitely "a thousand words", INSTANTLY, without difficulty. Same goes for Facial Expressions as a whole and The Intonations of One's Voice as well. To see all this you have to be pay attention to the present moment and watch/listen/feel the pattern of (as an example) a conversation, then you will be able to accurately see what people mean, and to accurately convey your own intentions to other people, and you will be shocked by HOW accurate and AMAZING this really is. I am unbelievable excited for this to happen to us as human species. We need to wake up to this, trust me, it has never been this fun to have a conversation and it is honestly an incredible experience, when you realize, that words are really not that necessary at all in order to have a conversation or to be clear when expressing your FEELINGS.
 There is no need to translate Metaphysical-Feelings into Speech in a precise way, as long as you can sense and convey your Intentions as a whole and the Intentions of others accurately. Speaking takes too much time and is essentially dead and boring, if you believe that words are important.
 The most important thing to remember is that it's not WHAT is being said, but HOW it is being said.

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