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Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Fundamental FALSEHOOD of Humanity.

 Our Society is a sick Society. It believes in Lies and does not question their authority. There are many things that should be cleared up, considering our common sense and our fundamental understanding of Reality. We, as a civilization as a whole have to wake up, in order to finally achieve Piece & Love. It all comes from having a false sense of personal identity. Read on...

     What is thinking? Well, people normally refer to it as "talking inside one's head". People also think that you think in words, I, however, would like to point out that you don't. What is a thing? I agree with Alan Watts on the fact that a thing is a NOUN, and "a noun isn't a part of nature - it's a part of speech"! It is a word.
  I would like to point out, that you don't think in words, because whenever a "thought" comes into "your head" you only THEN translate it into actual human language into words. The interesting thing is that, yes, you may be *thinking* about an answer to an equation in math; you may be thinking about a lot of things, and, well, basically about anything whatsoever, even about thinking in itself. But there are things in out everyday experience that we refer to as "thoughts", but it is not exactly "a thought". For example, imagine you were riding your bike pretty fast, and you at one point all of a sudden lose your balance and begin to fall. At that specific moment in time "a billion" "thoughts" rush through your head about what to about the situation; how to react. You see, if you were indeed thinking in words, you would have never even finished saying a phrase (let alone a thought, out of "a billion") before falling on the ground. But in reality you "thought" so much, like "Oh no-I'm losing my balance-I'll do my best not to fall-I'm falling to my left-what should I do" and so on... But if you were "thinking" in words, you would only be able to go like "Oh no"- and fall.
   What I am proposing, is that these thoughts are indeed not really "thoughts", I mean, that's not exactly the right word. They are FEELINGS. You intuitively respond (react) to the situation, in a SMART way, mind you, without using words. Words are too slow. Those feelings-thoughts are as fast and quick as one can imagine. They are beyond simply human abilities... I mean the time an average person is capable of reacting to something can be UNBELIEVABLE, truly. Also the INCREDIBLE power of NOTICING things. One can notice something unspeakably fast, feel a lot of things about the situation and then regard those feelings as "thoughts". But they are obviously not your "average kind of thoughts": they are instantaneous, they are lightning fast, and the power of noticing - GODLIKE.
  The weirdest thing is probably the fact that all of us not only pretend that we don't know this, but we ignore this as a whole thing in itself. I'm saying it's a TABOO. For example... You are chatting with a person and you lift your head up to see him. Now, this is more or less sudden for the person you're chatting with, because he "can't know" when are you going to lift your head up to see his face, "obviously". And JUST WHEN YOU'RE LIFTING YOUR HEAD he not only notices that you are about to look at him, he feels the rhythm of the conversation and at one point sort of "expects" you to look him in the eyes, and he even "prepares" a certain facial expression just for that moment... For example it is usual for people to make eye contact after a sentence had been said completely, or a certain point had been made. Because it takes some "specific" time after the pause to get the idea, that the person wanted to get across. If you "feel" the said thing a bit later than the "needed" point (to get the right idea), you get a more deep meaning of the words than the other person wanted to convey, and it is not what he meant by saying those words, but you're understanding was correct, it's just that you went a bit deeper on that thought (feeling). If you "feel the thing that's been said" a bit sooner than the needed point in time, you don't get the idea, that the other person wanted to get across to you,: you're not paying much value to what he is saying, and you're not getting what he means; you're taking his words a bit too lightly, there is a point in time that is not far from the start of the pause, and it "means" sense of humor, when you take something as a joke, rather than seriously.
  I call this "rhythm of talking and feeling" phenomena - "frequencies". It is a rate of frequency of impulses. The feelings that we get, that people normally refer to as thoughts, - what I mean can be called "metaphysical feelings". I don't really know anything about metaphysics, but the word "metaphysical" fits right in.
The thing is that this unbelievable ability of Noticing things with lightning speed is Godlike, and it proves that we are all the same incredibly unbelievable thing called The Cosmos(Space), or The Universe(All of Existence) (Nothing/Everything), but we are hiding it, because we "cannot" all of a sudden start talking about it, especially in the exact moment in time, because:
1.People are afraid of thinking about this, because everyone is aware of this and everyone, nevertheless, ignores it.
2.People don't talk about it, because they don't understand what is that, but it has "magic" in it, I tell you...
3.If we were to talk about it, people would soon realize they are all one God, but that does not cope with our normal-everyday notion of personal identity, because we feel ourselves to be separate from everything else. Yet there's this incredible virtue in all of us... We ignore it, because we are afraid of it, because it is "The Unknown".
  ...We get a metaphysical feeling and THEN we translate it into words and language altogether. You might ask yourself :"Why?", and I've been thinking about that for a long time, and I've found out the reason. The reason is that words and language overall create the illusion of things being separate from everything else. Take the word "tree" for example. Imagine what does it mean, get the picture inside your head... You probably got something like this, right?:
...Well, let me tell you, that this is an illusion. A tree IS never, and CAN never be separated from the ground and the whole planet and be living. Same goes to the planet in relation to space, galaxies and the Whole Universe. In this way words are illusions, and they make Reality seem not what it is. The fact of the matter is that a tree never was separate from anything in the Universe, and the tree IMPLIES everything else in the Universe, and essentially IS the Universe. OK.
  Now, ask yourself: "Who am I?". And you would probably answer like "I'm John Jones from California, a 22-year-old male student of Harvard University."
  What if I say: "No no no, that's not really you, come on, tell me, who are you REALLY?" What then? You would say something like: "Well, I'm a person! I'm a human being!" but that's STILL not who you really are. You need to look deeper than that.
  Now, look. "Person" in Wikipedia:
 "A person (plural: persons or people; from Latin: persona, meaning "mask")..."
  A MASK. We need to find out what is behind that mask. Who wears it?
 If you believe yourself to BE the mask (ex. "John Jones"), then in order to understand who you are or to answer a question "who are you?" - you need to look into the past and remember something that will tell you what kind of a person is "John Jones", and you view that as yourself. The problem with this hallucination is that if you are under its influence, then you can not answer the question BASED on what is happening in the present. Even if you say: "I am John Jones." - you still already have to remember the fact that it is your name. The "John Jones" persona is like an official record of something, it is like a document to be used in court, because it needs precise, concrete, specific information, but (!) that can NECESSARY be SAID in WORDS, otherwise it is "not serious" and can not be taken as "proof". But the thing is that one wearing the mask is constantly changing and evolving, always, and everything around him as well, and therefore what was back then - is not what is now, and, therefore, not valid and not true. The past is gone.
   You can continue by thinking "I can prove that this is the real me", and proceed by saying: "I am a graduate student of Harvard; I am married and have children; I drive a Red Ferrari"...
  But I ask you, are you BEING a graduate student of Harvard; married and have children; and drive a red Ferrari RIGHT NOW and this very moment? No. You are not. All of those events are not taking place at this present moment. Even if they are, what if they didn't? That can easily happen. You can find yourself, say, in a bar, when you are none of those things, but ARE drunk, for example. In this case you say you're "John Jones", but in actuality you are anything perceived by someone else, like "a drunk guy in a bar", and not "John Jones, the graduate of Harvard University".
  The persona is one's PUBLIC face. It is what is on the "OUTSIDE" of one's self, it is not really the self.
  Notice that the definition of the mask always uses words. Words, as we saw before are illusions and "isolates". Non-verbal definition of who "John Jones" is, is not good enough fully, because it is not concrete, and it is NOTHING you can HOLD ON to.
  Since one believes himself to BE the mask, he believes himself to have a name, a personality, that is not only different, but separated, alienated and threatened by its environment (The Universe as a whole). Therefore it is something you can hold on to, which we do, to not lose the sense of our "personal identity", and words overall are things that you can hold on to, because they make the illusion of (ex.) a tree being separated from the planet, which is simply NOT TRUE. And, as Alan Watts pointed out, a "thing" is a noun - which not a part of nature. Words don't exist in reality. Not a single word means what it means. Let me explain.
  You: ...And then I climbed on a pine tree.
  Someone: What is "a pine tree"?
  You: A "pine tree" is a particular kind of a tree.
  Someone: What is a "tree"?
  You: It's one of those brown colored things that grow out of the ground, with little green things all over it, called "leaves".
  Someone: I don't understand what you are talking about...
      And you say...: 
"Well,  it is this thing right here, see? This, is "a tree"."
  Someone: Oh, I see.

 ...See? You can never explain what do you mean only by words. They can never provide a satisfactory explanation. Even if they could, it would take an eternity, because you would never get through artificial words to an actual feeling. It's like assuming a robot will love, see beauty and have actual feelings, instead of programmed responses. It is impossible.
  So, because, as we saw, words don't exist in Reality as such at all, in exactly the same way a persona DOES NOT EXIST in Reality. It is a kind of a myth. A hallucination.

  You also can never provide a proof of being the person you claim to be by looking into the future. You can never say, say, in court, "I will be 30 years old. I will be Andy Peanuthead. I will own an orange Cadillac.", and expect to be taken seriously, because the future is NOT HERE YET, it is YET TO COME.
  Thus, the past is not real and not true; and the future is not real and not true. What IS right, what DOES explain things ALWAYS, what IS real, what IS true, - is that, which is taking place Right Now in This Moment in time. IN FACT, the most important moment in one's life is "here & now".
  Notice, that we found out why a persona is not real NOW, and The Now is the only real moment. Therefore the persona is not real. It does not exist, now.
  But do not make the false assumption that it might be in the future, because it can not. There is no future. There has never been any future OR past. They are not real. There is only Now, always. This is the true meaning of Eternity. We more or less know WHERE we are, not really though, and also we don't really not WHEN are we. Kudos to George Carlin on that one... "When the hell is it..?"
   If you ever think about where & when is it, whenever and wherever you think about it, the thinking is always present at one place and in one point in time. That is Here & Now. Always. The persona, and the words never existed in reality, nor will they ever exist, since they don't ever exist in Reality, Here & Now.
  Now, you might say: "Alright. Fine. And what should I say, who am I, NOW?"
   Come back to your senses... Listen. What you experience all around you is how you feel inside your head, exactly the same thing. What I am saying by that is "Tat Tvam Asi". You're It.
  In the words of Alan Watts:"This world "peoples" (verb) in the same way as an apple tree apples." You grow out of this world. That already means you're something like a tree. And, as we saw before, the tree is not separate from anything else, you see, as a WHOLE it is The UNIVERSE.
  You; me; my headphones; the music; the keyboard... All of them RIGHT HERE & NOW are as a whole The Planet, The Galaxy, The Universe. ALL of Existence. Right now.
  The bottom-line is: WE ARE ALL ONE.

 ...Everything in The "Physical" Universe is a part of Everything-Else. Everything implies everything else. Black implies white. Death implies Life. Yin implies Yang. Night implies Day. Down implies Up. Left implies Right. Republic implies Democracy. Insanity implies Sanity. Logic implies Intuition. Seriousness implies Sincerety. Nothing implies Something/Everything/Anything. Dark implies Light. Negative implies Positive. Self implies Other. Sound implies Silence. Sight implies Blindness. Background implies Figure. DIFFERENCE implies UNITY.

 This is not just some philosophy, my friends. This is the way it is, you can not say it isn't. We are organisms, and an organism can only exist as a part of another, greater organism.
   All organisms are self-aware and wide awake to being Here & Now, all nature, and it dances...
  Just follow the pattern of life. It is flowing like water. You can not grab hold of it, but if you catch it into a bucket you will suddenly notice that it is not anymore dynamic and is still. Static. What you should do is go with it, and you have all the energy you spend on meaningless self-defense.

 If there is a God, he is identical with the Universe. Nothing can exist outside of Everything. It is impossible. I will do my best not to get too much into this, but, here is some wisdom of a Pre-Socratic philosopher, Parmenides:
  I state 2 things, with which you can not disagree without falling into a logical contradiction.
 1.What is, is. (i.e. "existence exists")
 2.What is not, cannot be. (what-is-not, cannot be, since it is not here now anyway)
...Therefore, "creatio ex nihilo" is impossible.
Go to "" for the whole article. It completely demolishes the false assumption of The Universe having a "First Cause".

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