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Friday, 24 February 2012

On Frequencies in more detail

  So... It's been a while.
 So... Let's talk Frequencies... I've mentioned the subject lots of times in the previous posts, and I "long ago" decided, that in this post I'm not going to explain what role does the subject play in general and stuff like that, - and just start really quick on the subject itself. I couldn't do that without the proper explanation/preparation done beforehand. That is what I dealt with in the previous post. I remember firmly, that by finishing the last post I was sure, that pretty much all of the needed-to-be-made preparation had been made in the post, and thus I could do the thing I wanted to do, which is the thing, highlighted in this color. So yeah, let's begin, shall we?
The Subject of Frequencies applies to Everything, that could be called "human experience". One of the problems is that many people think that they are the best at... For example, - explaining the situation, [when one had done something, that he had never done before, and not to do that thing was one of his principals (a firm opinion), - and really liked it, when he/she had always hated it for a good reason, and that's why he/she had never done it, ever since discovering a thing about it, that made him/her form the strong opinion (principal)].(For future refference, - "11Frq, Pattern #7")
  Every person understands that situation perfectly, because, - I can bet you 100$, - everyone had been in that particular situation at least once in their lifetime, and, - moreover, - even if somebody had never before found himself to be in that situation, and is told about what had happened (informed of the situation), so that it is understood, - than he definitely will understand what that situation is "like". He would definitely understand...
 The Frequency of it.  
 d ...The DEGREE of it. I had explained Frequencies already before in this sense.
The problem here is that everyone has a thing to say on the subject of 11F, Patt.7, which is perfectly okay, but since the subject is Taboo and nobody mentions it, and everybody ignores it, - what we get is that "one *does not know* whether or not somebody else except for him at all is: 
1. - thinking about it;
2. - understands it;
3. - understands it, as well as he/she does;
4. - Really, - is interested in it;
etc... As a result of this, - when 11F-Ptrn#7 takes place, and one tries to explain what had happened, - he does it in such a fashion, that makes it seem as if the people he adresses are (1:38**) NOT "positive", so to speak, - in points 1;2;3;4, - which is ridiculous. He/she does not behave in a way, that would show people, that he, at least, - assumes that they might be: 1) - aware of what he/she's talking about; 2) - understands it too... AT LEAST those two points, okay? - At LEAST. 
  What you get, as a result of pretending there is no such subject, (one of the things) mainly, - is that everyone takes interest in it, which means that everyone takes interest in it, and anyway, - knows how big it really is, - and so, - one takes interest in trying to solve/understand/explain it him/herself, and, at least, - only for him/herself, - to worry NOT, about it. 
  What you get as a result of this, + the pretending that there's no such thing, - is that everyone who takes interest in it/thinks about it/etc. - thinks, that he/she is: either the only one who does that; the only one who is capable of explaining it; the one who understands it REALLY, - and, - either the only one, or one of the (very) few, - and, in this case, - the best at it(understanding, explaining, etc.) out of the people that actually try to form an understanding of it. 
  You get all of this also (probably most fundamentally, -->) because of false sense of personal identification (ego). 
  What people, that think the things, highlighted in this color, - don't realize, - is their Frequency.