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Friday, 24 February 2012

On Frequencies in more detail

  So... It's been a while.
 So... Let's talk Frequencies... I've mentioned the subject lots of times in the previous posts, and I "long ago" decided, that in this post I'm not going to explain what role does the subject play in general and stuff like that, - and just start really quick on the subject itself. I couldn't do that without the proper explanation/preparation done beforehand. That is what I dealt with in the previous post. I remember firmly, that by finishing the last post I was sure, that pretty much all of the needed-to-be-made preparation had been made in the post, and thus I could do the thing I wanted to do, which is the thing, highlighted in this color. So yeah, let's begin, shall we?
The Subject of Frequencies applies to Everything, that could be called "human experience". One of the problems is that many people think that they are the best at... For example, - explaining the situation, [when one had done something, that he had never done before, and not to do that thing was one of his principals (a firm opinion), - and really liked it, when he/she had always hated it for a good reason, and that's why he/she had never done it, ever since discovering a thing about it, that made him/her form the strong opinion (principal)].(For future refference, - "11Frq, Pattern #7")
  Every person understands that situation perfectly, because, - I can bet you 100$, - everyone had been in that particular situation at least once in their lifetime, and, - moreover, - even if somebody had never before found himself to be in that situation, and is told about what had happened (informed of the situation), so that it is understood, - than he definitely will understand what that situation is "like". He would definitely understand...
 The Frequency of it.  
 d ...The DEGREE of it. I had explained Frequencies already before in this sense.
The problem here is that everyone has a thing to say on the subject of 11F, Patt.7, which is perfectly okay, but since the subject is Taboo and nobody mentions it, and everybody ignores it, - what we get is that "one *does not know* whether or not somebody else except for him at all is: 
1. - thinking about it;
2. - understands it;
3. - understands it, as well as he/she does;
4. - Really, - is interested in it;
etc... As a result of this, - when 11F-Ptrn#7 takes place, and one tries to explain what had happened, - he does it in such a fashion, that makes it seem as if the people he adresses are (1:38**) NOT "positive", so to speak, - in points 1;2;3;4, - which is ridiculous. He/she does not behave in a way, that would show people, that he, at least, - assumes that they might be: 1) - aware of what he/she's talking about; 2) - understands it too... AT LEAST those two points, okay? - At LEAST. 
  What you get, as a result of pretending there is no such subject, (one of the things) mainly, - is that everyone takes interest in it, which means that everyone takes interest in it, and anyway, - knows how big it really is, - and so, - one takes interest in trying to solve/understand/explain it him/herself, and, at least, - only for him/herself, - to worry NOT, about it. 
  What you get as a result of this, + the pretending that there's no such thing, - is that everyone who takes interest in it/thinks about it/etc. - thinks, that he/she is: either the only one who does that; the only one who is capable of explaining it; the one who understands it REALLY, - and, - either the only one, or one of the (very) few, - and, in this case, - the best at it(understanding, explaining, etc.) out of the people that actually try to form an understanding of it. 
  You get all of this also (probably most fundamentally, -->) because of false sense of personal identification (ego). 
  What people, that think the things, highlighted in this color, - don't realize, - is their Frequency.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Update.Thoughts. Need a title.

    Hi, everyone. Long time no fuckin' see ;D.
I'd been wanting to post something here for quite some time now, but still haven't. Also notice the fact that the previous post of mine ain't even close to being as long as the other posts of mine. That, however, does not mean that it's... less valuable, or less important, or something like that. Not at all. In fact, the "Patterns" subject is incredibly important and plays a huge part in the whole of the things that I post on this blog... in fact, it's so important and so Powerful, that it's, like... Well, it cannot be categorised at all by rate of importance, because every part of the whole of the things I post here implies every other part. I cannot explain to you (fully, for sure) a single part of "The Thing", without explaining all of the other parts, and those parts cannot be explained without explaining the first-mentioned part, you see... This is why I, really, intend to tell all of this to people from beginning to end, Fully. I had known this for quite some time now, (about 3/4 of a year, meaning "known this" - as in "a technical way of knowing, as in... concrete factual information, that is stated, scientifically(I am to this day, however, still actively "working" on it) that if I was to tell somebody any of the things, some of which are written on this blog, - I needed to make sure, that I would be able to expand on the things I would've said more, and, in the end, to tell the person ALL about it. To be capable of doing that. If I am not capable of doing it, - it shall not come out of my mouth, - not until I am ready to tell one all about it. There are some good reasons for this, trust me.
    If one would've received (,basically,-->) any amount of information about The Frequency Theory of mine, - and NOT from start to finish(fully), - he would hurry to tell everyone about it and/or make some assumptions/think-throughs/verdicts about the whole thing, and TRUST ME... None of them would be fully correct. He might be wrong totally; he might be wrong, partially; he might be correct, partially; I am sure that, to my eye, he would screw it up/miss a lot of things/get the wrong idea... None of that is to my preference at all... You see, when I'd see him anywhere, I'd go up to him and would surely like to tell him about it, and let him know the Reality of the whole state of affairs. The awful thing is that he'll be certain about what he is saying, and feel the same way about it as I feel about it, but he would ACTUALLY be (he might be-->) totally wrong. There's a pattern that can easily take place, like this one, for example:
   The fact, that he had made some of his own claims about the subject is bad enough already, and if he'd be so ... to tell some of his friends(or something) any information about the subject that I had provided him with and also the results of his own thoughts about it, that had resulted in (as he thought) splendid discoveries - that would be only worse, obviously, and The Kicker is that he'd be SURE ABOUT IT... You  see, I am, well, let's just say, - basically, - EXTRAORDINARILY careful and cautios about letting any of the thoughts I have on the subject out of my mouth. Not because I am ashamed of it or anything. You see, EVERYONE takes interest in this particular subject and everyone is able to say something about it, (after some "very careful/cautious" thinking on his own part) - and takes pride in it. Because, you seee... This is the most valueable/interesting/important/powerful/dangerous/secretive(Taboo) subject of all of the subjects out there, that are in store for all of Humanity today (or ever). At least for Humanity... which is fucking INSANE. But look...
   So, everyone is after some answers about the question of what The Subject might be(at all). This Subject is the most Taboo subject EVER. Everybody acts like: "I have no idea what you are talking about" when the Lively Moments of The Taboo ACTUALLY take place in Reality, in the Present Moment. Everybody ignores it exactly as if there is the Grim Reaper standing with his "Eternally Sacred Weapon of Death "right next to them, and is JUST about to take their life, the moment they stop/let it(stop(ignoring)). Think about that for a second. Now think about this with the thought and/or realisation that the sentence is actually completely stated in accordance with the True state of affairs. That's fucked up, I'm sure you agree. I guess that, unless you understand what am I talking about here, - you are just going to have to trust me on the fact that what I am talking about IS this crazy. But who am I kidding? You know what I am talking about perfectly well... 
    Let's backtrack a little(return to the "particular pattern" part). You see, - yes, the person would be certain, that what he says/thinks about "The Subject" is:
-3. He takes a very careful attitude towards it, because the Thing itself is extra-ordinary for many reasons(like being the Most Ignored subject of ALL, for ONE) and also the Thing is also about various/all kinds of Coincidences that take place Whenever, - and all of us know perfectly well how Coincidences, and also, - Synchronicity - are treated in our world/society... --> "If you take ANY of this silly/mystical stuff like Coincidences and/or Coincidences or Synchronicity seriously, or think that there is something at all about them, that is something other than them simply being Coincidental stuff, - if you think there's any (*real) Truth in/to them, - then you, Sir, are deluded/retarded/crazy/fucked up/irrational/mystical(therefore to be avoided or simply to be an example of something that should be ignored/avoided/feared by any one that is a rational being) - so nobody in our Society officially takes Coincidental stuff(for example) seriously, and DEFINITELY nobody ("officially", mind you) thinks that thinking that there is/can be any truth to Coincidental stuff, because believing that would be CRAZY. That is not the Actual Truth, though. That is only on the outside. (1*-->) Really, everybody searches/checks/looks for(or interests in those 3 activities, (and hence the searching/checking/etc.) some Truth, or even Better, - some MEANING in the Coincidences, that just so happen to coincidentally take place. Okay... Now, that's a pretty bold statement. Back it up a bit maybe, no? 
Sure. What I am proposing, in relation to the text highlighted in Blue, is this(also this goes for the pattern that I've yet still failed to describe fully(the reason is that more/not less important stuff came up, and I had made a value judgement):
1*: "****** ***** *** ** ****** **** *****..."(blu-txt)
2*: The kicker of the blue text is that everybody does it to AN EXTENT. And this is exactly when (also is a good example of a time where-->) my Frequency Theory comes into play.

...To an extent, yes. You see, each and every single living being in the whole of the incredible Cosmos, that we inhabit, - has something very special, that non-living things don't. All of them has something called Consciousness. 
  There are people, that realize, that nobody knows what Consciousness is, and that it had never been really explained by ANYONE. So it's this mystical fucking thing and we do not scientifically(at the VERY least) know what it is at all. 
  In words of Alan Watts,: "It's the most ILLUSIVE thing of all; that, which you can't put your finger on; that, which ALWAYS escapes you... And yet, that is that, out of which you see." (<-- somewhat cut version, but the main thing I want to mention here is... here. lol)
  Let's investigate a bit further into this... What does Consciousness produce? Well...
Consciousness produces nothing other, than The Self. It IS The Self, itself, haha. 
So, basically, I Am Consciousness. I would even rather confidentely say, that Consciousness is the feeling of Self, the feeling of Me. But it's not even that. It is the great Nothing-ness, Void-ness. It is whatever it is that embraces all of this. And that would be the Real Me. No masks, or anything at all. Just *important-->* mental silence, being the Void-Ness in the present moment, enjoying it fully, Lively, REALLY BEING THERE. - That's the Real "I". No name. No history. No future. No words... It's beautiful.
Now, previously in my posts, I had already said/explained/proven, that we are all One. 
  Well, this Blank-ness that is the Self, (and all of us always have it, and not having it is not an experience - there is no such thing, as "having no Consciousness", because the one that "doesn't have it" - is not conscious of the fact that he doesn't have Consciousness or "that he is unconscious" - he can't fucking do it. There is obviously no Consciousness to realize the lack of it, - it's fucking absurd. In simple terms, - not having Consciousness is not an experience. It is, as a whole, but it isn't as such. It is, as a whole, because Consciousness is something eternal. It, at one point, occurs, and at another point - "disappears" (whenever when one loses Consciousness). Each time, when one regains Consciousness - he does not remember what had happened in the interval of time, when he was "out". If to raise the subject of being born into existence "for the first time", then we can state, that one does not remember what had happened to him in that above-mentioned period of time; does not know how or why does he find himself to be in a certain body, in a certain place in Time, and in a certain place in Space; does not know his purpose; does not know what happens when the body, that he finds himself to be in - disintegrates.
  Alan Watts had made a fantastic job by pointing out the fact that... Sure, you can try and imagine what would it be like to die and what will it be like after death - and fail miserably, achieving Nothing. Watts pointed out the fact that that is exactly the same with being born. You can't remember what was it like before being born. I'd like to point out the fact that not having Consciousness is not an experience. Alan had said something similar, but he was reffering to being dead, I think. It's the same thing, though. Having no Consciousness equals being dead or "not being", simply. Not to experience The Self is to Not experience anything at all. It is to experience Nothing, the only thing is that Nothing - is not an experience, too. It's Nothing. There is even no such thing as Nothing. It doesn't exist. It is inconceivable, incomprehendable. The Self exits/can possibly exist/can possibly be experienced only NOW, in the Present moment. Not in the Past, and not in the Future. Past and Future - none of them actually exist (I think I had explained that previously in a post, but let's do it one more time, - more easily. (On a lower Frequency, by the way, because of the amount of times of experiencing one thing - experience/knowledge/understanding/skill increases each time.)) in Reality. Oh, by the way, about Now and Reality - I had noticed something interesting one day - "in Real-time" means "on the fly/in the process/on the go/etc." Tell me... Past;Future;Present. - When is "in Real-time"? Certainly, in the Present. Well, what a coincidence! There, indeed, is only one Real Time, and that is the Present, - and the processes like in video game graphics real-time rendering - very fittingly, happens precisely in the Real Moment (The Present). 
Alan Watts, thank you for this incredible knowledge. I had simply thought-through all of it really carefully and swallowed it and digested it and vomitted it out lol in a much less complex form (not talking about Frequencies, but talking about knowledge, provided which I am thanks to/provided by A.Watts) 
    That being said,: The two things, that we call "Past" & "Future" - don't Actually exist in Reality. The Past is a recollection. The Future - an expectation. All memories & expectations exist NOW, and NOW ONLY. There. That's all. That simple. Truly. If you don't want to believe me on this - think for yourself. You'll realize it in a week if it is important enough for you, or if you've got the balls to realize this. (not saying this reason-lessly as well, trust me)
  Back on my track. -> I think that by now there would not be a single human being capable of thinking/critical thinking - that would not agree with me on the fact, that there is/can be only ONE "I". 
 Believe it or not, that last, small paragraph is a big step that we have taken. Here's why:
All of us share/experience/are Consciousness. Everyone of us is "Me". First person tense. (if I said that correctly... you know what I mean nevertheless. ;)-)
  Okay... Brace yourselves, Ladies & Gents...
Okay, look. There is, and can possibly be, - only ONE Self. Not two. I am one.
Now, let go for a second of the fact, that you had always thought that you were different from the other people and the other people had always thought and known, that they are different from you. Well, let me have the honor of saying that all of us are NOT different. Not one bit. 
  On the Outside, - we may look, sound, feel differentely. True. On the Inside, however, - we are the same. Now, one reader can right now stand up and say: "Absurd! Non-sense! Each person has it's own unique personality, and may differ GREATLY from any other person there is!" True, as well.
...Sure, - one can go "We are all ONE" and "We are all the SAME", and etc. and etc., BUT...
There still are all kinds of different personalities out there! VAST amount of variation! NONE are like the other one!
Ok, look, - that's True, too. It really is.
NOW one might ask himself and wanna ask me - why the heck is it, that I don't finally just GET TO WHAT I WANT TO SAY, for fuck's sake..?
   Well, to answer simply, - I don't just waste time and not getting to the heart of the matter, - we are in fact, right now, (at LEAST already approaching-->) - in the heart of the matter. 
This, again, (and this time it's for Real ;DD) - is exactly the time when Frequencies come into play, and when I change the color of text lol. With my Frequency Theory I can PROVE that we all share ONE & THE SAME CONSCIOUSNESS, okay? Now, bare with me, because, you see, if you bare with me and I fail at proving this wild claim to be true, - you can spam all sites on how a crazy nut on the internet made these insane claims and made it sound believable to be the actual truth, - and he failed miserably, resulting in being the most fucked up troll the Internet had ever seen. Okay. Sure. We've got a deal, dude. If I win, then... We'll just gonna have to see what then, I guess. :D Bill Hicks once said, while finding himself to be in the same position/pattern/situation, as I find myself to be in right now, - I remember him going "Come on, do you really think I would be this big of an asshole to just...-" - you know what... Soooooo, yeah... I present to you: The Frequency Theory. - The theory, that PROVES that we are/share ONE & EXACTLY SAME Consciousness. And/Or - The theory, thanks to which we CAN ACHIEVE WORLD PEACE 1, and (I had written the point of it rather beautifully in my diary... let me get it ;D... K, got it :D.) Now. On the question of: "Well... That's all fine and dandy, that you'd like this project of yours to be promoted, but what we want to know is - what are you offering? What is this theory of yours all about? What can make people believe, that it is something that they want?"
The Answer: "The Solution to an any kind of misunderstanding in terms of clear, easy, light conversation, happening between two individuals or more, ever, in Time, and anywhere, in Space.