"There are no such things as things, that is to say, there are no separate things (separate events). What is a "thing"? Well, a "thing" is a noun, and there are no nouns in the physical world. A noun isn't a part of nature, it's a part of speech." - Alan Watts.
Alan Watts had also said: "This is not - as you would fantasize it - a state of being in the dark forever. It is not like being buried alive, because - then there's an experience of darkness. Now I remember, a little while ago - in one of my seminars - a girl, who is born blind, and I had the most interesting discussion with her, because she doesn't know what darkness is! The word is absolutely meaningless to her!.. Because she has never seen light. So, when you really think about nothingness, it becomes like - what I've often referred to, is - how your head looks to your eyes!
And behind the eyes you don't see darkness, do you, right now? You're not aware of the contrast of light HERE and black THERE. Behind the visual field - this way - you CAN'T see darkness. There is, simply, nothing conceivable at all. Neither darkness nor light, see? So, my convention to say, almost, is that that area of blackness we call Death - is what lies behind the eyes!"...
Truly incredible. Alan Watts is amazing, to say the least. Well, I've been thinking about the subject of "nothing/something" for some time, and this is, quite frankly, is what I've come up with:
I don't think there is, at all, such a thing, as absolute nothingness. Because, at least here, in Life, there is no such thing as "absolutely nothing". It depends on the context... For example, you can create a text file document on your desktop right now, a blank one, and you can confidently say, that it is empty, and that there is nothing written in it whatsoever. Well, that's the thing. There is nothing written in it, and while the blank text file consists of nothing, it still isn't nothing, for there is the background of the text, there is the "blank" itself. Likewise, if you were handed a green piece of paper with nothing on it, there simply isn't anything visible to the naked eye on the piece of paper. There is nothing between one cloud in the sky and the other. However, there IS air, and SPACE.
The "how your head looks to your eyes" is the second best "nothing" there can be, I think, at all in the "physical realm". The best would be, for me at least - "how your ears looks to your eyes", because after all, you can see a bit of the head (you can vaguely see the nose), but you most definitely can't see your own ears.
And while this, in fact, is NOTHING (conceivable at all!), it is still not nothing in actuality, is it? You can still find out what your ears look like. Just not with only the help of your own eyes. So, nothing, in actuality is something!
So, the main (pretty BIG) thing I've come up with is this:
"Nothing is always something, but in disguise."
I don't know how does that go for the "afterlife" though, because I think there is a point when "everything suddenly becomes nothing", so there is a "nothing whatsoever" at that point, but after that, I believe, comes some later realizations of something... Therefore, in theory, you're going to find out what, of a "something", that "nothing" was in disguise. For example, while you've lost your consciousness and stuff, so there really is "nothing", but there would later be, after an eternal moment of nothingness, a realization of the Universal Consciousness. Nothingness was, therefore, temporarily there, and in actuality, is was not only "something", but something even bigger, than the "something" that was before death. Heh!
Well, that's what I think. I haven't experienced a complete ego death. It is possible to be one with the Universal Consciousness, say, through the use of some psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and hallucinogenic Mushrooms or DMT, without having the need to die in actuality to experience it.
...However, the Ego Death that can be experienced through psychedelics is not only "real", but, I guess, it is absolutely the same as the actual "real life death". For Death is just the Death of you, as your concept of yourself. When you die, you don't actually die, but you DO die, however, as "something that you have perceived yourself to be", but that event is only to be followed by the event of realizing who you were really. So, you become nothing, and then you become something once again, however bigger and more amazing this time around. Yet again, something comes out of nothing!
What is also very much note-worthy, is that while being high on DMT, your visual field is 360 degrees, all around you! That, basically MEANS, that Alan Watts was right about his theory! While high on DMT you SEE The Impossible, The Inconceivable, The Unspeakable, etc., JUST like the nothing in our own eyes' view of our own head! AND there just isn't nothing, but the opposite - there is EVERYTHING AT ONCE. AND the visual field is 360 degrees!
I do not state that everything in here that are my actual words and not somebody-else's, are true. But thanks for reading. I would appreciate some comments though.